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Casa Loma

Casa Loma was a castle built by Sir Henry for his wife. In Spanish, Casa Loma means 'House on the Hill'.

The towers of Casa Loma are 800 feet high. Casa Loma was started in 1911. It took 300 men nearly 3 years to complete Casa Loma. It cost $ 3, 500,000 at that time Sir Henry lived Casa Loma for less then ten years. He ran out of money and had to sell it.

Sir Henry's Bedroom

by Amanda L.

The walls of Sir Henry's bedroom were made of walnut and mahogany wood. there was a secret place beside the fireplace to store private documents. His bathroom was made from marble. The shower surrounded the body.

Flower Room

by Meghan K.

The Conservatory: This room has indoor flowers growing everywhere. It is a giant garden inside. Steam pipes under the floor kept the flower beds warm in the winter.

What I Thought Casa Loma Would Look Like

by Warren P.

We thought it would look like a regular castle but not as fancy as it was.

Great Hall: It has 60 foot high ceilings. This room is the main area of the castle.

Library: This room has different pieces of wood that have different shades. This makes the floor a different colour in each spot. The ceiling has shelves with Pellatt's Coat of Arms all around the room.

Serving Room: The Serving Room is sometimes used as a Breakfast Room.

Peacock Alley: Peacock Alley is a passageway that is made of cement. It goes to the gardens outside.

Feudal System Castles Medieval Life

updated 06/01/2001