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Education in the arts is essential to students' intellectual, social, physical, and emotional growth. The visual arts curriculum is intended to help students develop their creativity, as well as the ability to communicate with other people through visual images. In learning to express themselves in visual ways, students will sharpen their powers of observation. Study of the arts can also broaden students' horizons in various ways. Through study of the arts, students learn about artistic traditions of their own and other cultures. They develop the ability to communicate in various artistic media, and learn to understand that the arts have long served as important media for recording and communicating ideas and feelings.

from the Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum Guidelines

by Ashley room 2



by Jessica Kindergarten

by  Joelle grade 5/6


by  Roderick grade 5/6

by Jared grade 4/5




by Aaron grade 2

by  Austin grade 1

by Austin room 2


by Paul grade 1

by Ryanne grade 2

 by Mike room 2

by Alex room 2

by Darren grade 1/2

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Grassroots Projects ] Mary Street Community School ]

Mary Street Community School

110 Mary Street North

Oshawa, Ontario L1G 7S2

(905) 433 - 8910

revised: 06/01/2001