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We have listed some sites that we have found interesting, educational and informative. If you have any sites to suggest to us for our consideration please contact us.

The Ontario Science Centre - Science Made Fun!
Cool Canuck Award Site - This is a wonderful site that highlights this great country of ours. Take the time and visit it with your whole family and feel the pride!!
The Absolute Beginners Astronomy Page - If you are curious about astronomy THIS is the place to visit!
Canada's Schoolnet - This site hopes to link all 16000+ Canadian Schools together.
The McMichael Canadian Art Collection - Visit the gallery over the web. Get a look at some of the artwork and find out some information about the artists.
The Royal Ontario Museum - Collections in Earth and Life sciences, decorative arts, and archaeology
The Prime Minister's Web Site - Information about the Prime Minister of Canada, and the government
Canadian Museum Association -   If you want a list of museums in Canada visit this site.
IBM K - 12 Education
Science Learning Network - discover many interesting topics relating to curriculum areas of study
Tales of Wonder: Folk & Fairy Tales - read folk and fairy tales gathered from around the world
NASA's Internet in the Classroom Initiative - take part in and interact with other teachers and students working a variety of exciting NASA projects
Volcano World Home Page - exchange questions with a volcanologists to learn more about volcanoes and understand what causes them
The Nine Planets - soar out into our Solar System to discover more about each of the planets
Yahooligans! - Internet search for kids
KidsSpace - a wonderful, fun and educational site for kids of all ages within a safe web site.
Funbrain - a fun, safe, learning oriented site that is geared to all ages and interests.
Funschool - learning oriented environment for students from pre - school to grade 6
Eduplace - Houghton Mifflin educational site for students, parents and teachers.
Book AdventureBook Adventure is a reading incentive program dedicated to encouraging kids in grades K-8 to read.
Enchanted Learning - This site offers many online activities such as colouring as well as learning acitivities. It is of interest to children of all ages.
Ask Jeeves For Kids - This is a search engine that children can use to find the answers to most of their inquiries.
Discover Oshawa - This is an small but growing and informative site to describe our city.
City of Oshawa - This is an informative site containing pertinent information regarding the City of Oshawa.
Durham District Board of Education - This is the web site for the Board of Education of which Mary Street Community School is a part.
Ontario Ministry of Education - This is the web site for the province of Ontario's ministry of Education

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Mary Street Community School

110 Mary Street North

Oshawa, Ontario L1G 7S2

(905) 433 - 8910

revised: 06/01/2001